News02-01-2018COST action ES1404 on snow, http://harmosnow.eu will arrange a spring school on snow, focusing on snow data assimilation. The training school will be held in Bormio, Italy in March 12-16, 2018. Deadline for the applications is 26.1.2018. >>More information and application 10-10-2017EU Life+ MONIMET(LIFE12 ENV/FI/000409) Final Stakeholder Workshop on “Climate Change Indicators and Vulnerability of Boreal Zone Ecosystems” will be held on November 2, 2017 in Helsinki, Finland. >>Workshop page >>Registration (Deadline: 26 October. The registration form is shared with an annual Climate modeling seminar that will be held on November 3rd. This year the Climate modeling seminar focuses on uncertainties in the context of climate modeling.) >>MONIMET Flyer (Includes the agenda, Updated on 27.10.2017) 24-07-2017"Automated Webcam Monitoring of Fractional Snow Cover in Northern Boreal Conditions" by Arslan et al., is published in the special issue "Cryosphere" in "Geociences". 07-06-2017Summary of the survey 2014 and 2017 in Harava web-tool "Mitä ajattelet ilmastonmuutoksesta?" is available. >>Link to the summary 16-05-2017An united spatial data platform for public administration is one of the Finnish government’s priority projects and is funded thru the Ministry of agriculture and forestry. The aim of this project is to harmonise and bring together various data storages concerning spatial data collected by different government and public sector entities and make them more easily available for both general public and commercial use. The project consist of eight sub-projects each concentrating on different themes. The sub-project "Distribution and processing of satellite imagery" aims to create the basis for automation of invigilation and environmental monitoring services carried out by different governmental administrations. Additionally increasing Finnish exports from small and medium-sized enterprises working in the field of remote sensing is aspired. To fulfil these goals we would like to know how aware you are about currently available satellite data products and for what sort of data and products there is demand. Below is a link to questionnaire, answering should take about 10 min. Questionnaire will be open until 22.5. We would be thankful if you could help us by participating. https://goo.gl/forms/vFWkfvfQ0YvkY98q2 13-02-2017Save the Date - LIFE Ecosystem Services Platform Meeting will be held in Tallinn, Estonia between 10 - 12 May 2017. The event will be hosted by the LIFE VivaGrass project (LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189) and will involve a visit to the project area in the Lahemaa National park. >>More information 19-10-2016The Copernicus Training and Information Session to be held on 21 - 22 November 2016 in Helsinki at the premises of the Finnish Meteorological Institute is the third in a series of national Copernicus events. The European Commission is organising these sessions at the request of, and in collaboration with Member States. In the specific case of Finland, it includes a User Workshop on the Copernicus Emergency Management Service with participation from stakeholders in neighbouring countries. >>More information and registration ![]() 27-09-2016FMIPROT: Finnish Meteorological Institute Image Processing Tool Version 0.13 Beta is now open for public use. >>For more information 24-06-2016FMIPROT: Finnish Meteorological Institute Image Processing Tool Version 0.126 Beta is now open for public use. >>For more information 20-06-2016Moments from Sodankylä and Kenttärova reference plate installations and measurements now can be seen from Gallery page.